
Insightful talks and lectures approaches the challenges of the time

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03 January 2023

There are different constructive ways to deal with the consequences of the current crises in the design and interior design industry. A variety of insightful and inspiring solutions are introduced at Formland Spring,w which offers a series of presentations about the difficulties and opportunities of the current times. The exhibition takes place in MCH Messecenter Herning 29-31. January 2023.

We live in a challenging time characterized by inflation, among other things, which also takes its toll on the design and interior design industry, and forces companies to strengthen their focus. If there is anything that a revolutionary time like the one we are currently experiencing brings about creativity and innovative solutions. At Formland Spring, several of the talks at the programme are by competent lecturers, who deal precisely with the changes of time and the opportunities, that come with it.

Trend forecaster and owner of PEJ, Louise Byg Kongsholm insists that society is just now undergoing a major clean-up after ten years of growth, including two years of extra financial support and overconsumption. She states that years of negative interest, inflation below 1% and great growth in the housing market have been replaced by a time when pleasures and impulse purchases are downgraded and large investments are postponed. However, she has a central message for companies in the design and interior design industry.

- We have had a disproportionate consumption in everything that has been about interior and design, as a consequence of two years of restrictions - and that would slow down again, at some point. There is a limit to how many times you can change fixtures, paint your walls, and change the garden furniture. Therefore, it is very much about experiencing 2020 and 2021 in an aspect of two abnormal years and going back to 2018 and 2019 as a starting point for future planning, encourages Louise Byg Kongsholm and gives an idea of ​​how to deal with the reality of the moment as a company and what awaits:

- Crisis navigation is a discipline, and it is tough - we have to go all the way down, turn around and then up again. Most business owners have tried it before -and know what the toolbox should contain. Plans must be made in a short term, everything must be adjusted and adapted to a new reality, while there must be an overall goal of survival and creating a stronger DNA on the other side. The strength arises from being focused, getting control of priorities and experiencing that the effort has an effect. It makes for more resilient companies and more resilient people.

Louise Byg Kongsholm can be experienced at Formland Spring, where she talks about some of the above and much more under the title 'Mega trends you need to know about'.

Lifestyle expert: Positive values ​​are the way forward

Among the many other high-profile speakers, who this time expand horizons at Formland Spring and make visitors smarter, is trend and lifestyle expert Mads Arlien-Søborg, who addresses 'Trends, zeitgeist and consumer behaviour 2023'. He is of the belief that it will be even more for designers, manufacturers and consumers to be able to define and formulate overall, positive values ​​that can serve as arguments for certain choices and actions, in the future.

- Some of the values ​​I emphasize are, among others, authenticity, communities, cohesion and experiences. For me, these are values ​​that define the way we act and communicate both now and in the future. In the future, to an even greater extent than in the past, it will be about creating close relationships, whether it is between people or between brands and consumers - and the values ​​I highlight are all important "tools" to strengthen these relationships. It is primarily about being honest and sincere in your story and your actions - you must let your relationships feel heard, seen and appreciated. This is the way you stand out, states Mads Arlien-Søborg, who does not hesitate for a second when he has to justify his point of view on the values ​​mentioned:

- The corona crisis and the current economic crisis naturally challenge companies - when consumers hold back, you as a company have to figure out how to become relevant, it is absolutely crucial. This is where the positive values ​​can enter and be important tools in the company's narrative and strategy.

Several lectures on the challenges and opportunities of the times

Formland Spring embraces the times, and offers talks and lectures that looks into both challenges and opportunities including the following:

- 'Are you ready for what the time calls for?' by cand.psych., PhD, professor and principal of Design School Kolding Lene Tanggaard, - -- 'Retail in recession' by trend researcher Stefan Nilsson,
- 'Partnering with influencers - the perfect ambassadors' by influencer, singer, actor Szhirley and CEO by Dropps By Szhirley Mads Møller
- 'Which box should your customers fit into? And do they really?' by Susanne Løgstrup Amdisen, speaker, MindYourBusiness.

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