Facts from Formland Autumn 2024
% of visitors have key influence on buying
% of exhibitors gained new leads
% of exhibitors recommend other brands to exhibit at Formland
The right solution for you
A trade fair stand can be tailored to brand your company in the best possible way - there are several possibilities to find a solution that fits your exact needs.
We would be happy to guide you throughout the process, and if you are looking for an eye-catching stand concept, this can be arranged too.
Hear why other brands exhibit at Formland
Asgeir Eriksson - Jakobsdal
" For us it's important to come to Formland here in Denmark due to many reasons. One of the reasons is to support and keep the business healthy. We want to be a part of showing inspiration to the shops and people working with interior decorations in Denmark. "
Linda Moos Kamp - Maileg
'' For os er det det perfekte sted at vise både vores nye kollektioner men selvfølgelig også de eksisterende varer. Og for kunderne at se det hele i en sammenhæng, få det i hænderne, mærke det, og få inspiration til deres butikker. "
Claus Møller - Scrouples
'' Det at vi har et samlingspunkt her er rigtig vigtig for os og branchen som helhed. Her har vi mulighed for at komme ud og møde vores kunder face-to-face. Det er rigtig godt for den langvarige relation at mødes engang imellem - også nogle gange under lidt mere uformelle forhold. "
Joakim Wihlborg - Miljögården
" All the exhibitors try to do something fantastic with the booths and the exhibitions that the fair is doing is also really nice. Denmark is always a little bit ahead in terms of design and trend and that helps us out since we're Swedish."
Jytte Correl - Familianna
" Vi kommer på Formland fordi det er en god kilde til at få kunder. Det er her de store opkøbere kommer. Det er her man samles og mødes for at se de nye designs og ikke mindst trendzonerne er spektakulære. "
Betina Donde - Box the Original
" Vi vidste ikke om det var det rigtige sted, men det har det vist sig at være. Der er mange mennesker, og her kan vi møde mange kunder på en gang i stedet for at køre rundt."
Calling new start-ups!
Have you started your company within the last five years, and is Formland new to you? Then you might be a perfect match for Creators Community.
If you have created a product or concept within the following categories, you can apply to become part of our curated start-up event Creators Community:
• Design, Interior & Furniture
• Arts and craft & Illustrations
• Fashion, Accessories & Jewellery
• Delicacies