Eva Solo A/S

J 7388

M 9714

M 9951

Eva Solo A/S was established over 100 years ago. Today, the company is managed and owned by Jan Engelbrecht, who represents the fourth generation of the founder’s family. Jan’s mother is called Eva, and her father, i.e. Jan’s grandfather, is one of the company’s three former CEOs. It was Eva’s name that inspired the company’s name.

Our distinctive designs have in many ways reflected the developments which have taken place in the modern home. Our starting point was functional, high-quality kitchen utensils for the Scandinavian housewife – as exemplified by our bread and meat slicing machine from 1952. As women entered the labour market, we developed tools to make life easier in the kitchen. In the 1970s, when open-plan kitchens became all the rage, we were the first company to produce kitchen equipment that was sufficiently stylish to leave out on display.

In keeping with its history, the company is today known for the functional and high-quality design of its products. We have grown into a modern, innovative and international design company with about 60 employees. Our head office is located just outside Copenhagen, Denmark, but our products are sold worldwide. We never stand still. Despite being a fourth-generation family business, we are every day looking to take the next evolutionary step in the development of the next generation of Eva Solo products.

Products at Eva Solo A/S

Articles written by Eva Solo A/S

Company profiles, product categories, and areas of interest are written and added by the suppliers and are not based on knowledge or assessment from Formland.
