9.30 - 10.00 — AI i markedsføring [Danish] — Videncenter for Digital Handel keyboard_arrow_down
Få en sparringspartner ud over det sædvanlige!
Videncenter for Digital Handel giver i dette oplæg opskriften på hvordan kan du med AI-værktøjer komme langt hurtigere ud over rampen med din markedsføring. Du får konkrete tips og tricks, men vi holder også øje med, hvor der kan være faldgruber.
10.00 - 11.00 | Enjoy a 'Petit Dejeuner' (breakfast) with Lie Gourmet keyboard_arrow_down
Lie Gourmet offers a light French breakfast where you can enjoy their delicious French 'confiture' (marmalade) while getting in insights into the production i Provence.
The marmalades taste like sun und summer and the French fruits can turn every breakfast table into a success.
Bon appétit!
10:00 – 11:00 — Stylingområder – skab miljøer der begejstrer [Danish] keyboard_arrow_down
Din virksomhed visuelle identitet skal være lige så gennemtænkt fysisk som din online tilstedeværelse. I workshoppen ”Stylingområder” afslører vi, hvordan du kan lave stylingområder, der kommunikerer direkte til hjertet. For hver detalje bidrager til en mindeværdig oplevelse eller følelse hos kunden, som vil blive husket. Med praktiske øvelser og feedback får du muligheden for at kunne arbejde direkte med dine egne projekter derhjemme.
Maks. 17 deltagere.
10.30 - 11.30 — DIY Christmas ornaments — Cecilie Elisabeth Rudolph, textile designer* [Fully booked] keyboard_arrow_down
Join Cecilie Rudolph in her Christmas workshop and enjoy the creative magic of crafting unique holiday decorations. Discover the many beautiful Christmas items designed by Cecilie, and you are guaranteed to get into a festive spirit. Perhaps you have visited Cecilie’s iconic Christmas market in Frederiksberg, which she will be hosting again this year. If you have not yet seen her interpretation of Christmas decorations, hurry up and sign up for the workshop. You never know what Cecilie has in store – it will be magical.
During the workshop, Cecilie will be serving apple mulled wine and “fedtebrød” (Danish coconut shortbread) with rum glaze.
Cecilie Elisabeth Rudolph is a true Christmas enthusiast – everything about her points in that direction: her last name, Rudolph, and her upbringing on a Christmas tree farm.
*Only 12 seats available. Write name and ticket ID in your booking email.
CV: Cecilie Elisabeth Rudolph is a textile and print designer, educated at Central Saint Martins in London. She is the founder of her own multidisciplinary design studio, C.E.R. STUDIO. From there, Cecilie creates unique artworks, innovative textile and material experiments, prints for the interior and fashion industries, and commissioned design projects for both private clients and companies. She has a long portfolio of collaborations and design projects, including work with Royal Copenhagen, Georg Jensen Damask, Paustian, Rudolph Care, ELLE, and more.
11.00 – 11.30 — Køb rigtigt ind til sæsonen – AW 24/25 [Danish] — Mette Lykkegaard From, trendredaktør, pej gruppen keyboard_arrow_down
Med pej gruppens kommercielle trends og farver til sæsonen klædes du godt på til at vælge de rigtige produkter i de rigtige farver. Foredraget indeholder både en beskrivelse af tidsånd, megatrends og fire trendtemaer med hver deres moodboards, farvekombinationer og konkrete anbefalinger til indkøb, styling og kommunikation.
11.00 - 11.15 — Trendtalk with Studie Flyhelsted keyboard_arrow_down
Get to know the ideas and thought behind the Trend zone: MAISON IKIGAI - a reason for being
11.30 - 12.30 — Kit Company x Klosterbryggerierne keyboard_arrow_down
Make your own gift-wrapping paper together with Marie from Kit Company [D 3158]. You will be guided in adding personal touches to your gift-wrapping with a personal stamp- for you to keep.
Enjoy the taste of organic, full-bodied and flavourful beer from Klosterbryggerierne [E4358)] with and without alcohol. Produced in Denmark
11.30 - 12.00 — Workshop — Flowerart using the 'Flower pounding' technique keyboard_arrow_down
Join this creative workshop at GREENHOUSE – Nature to the people where we use beautiful flowers and leaves to create flower art.
Decorate your own flower pattern. 'Flower pounding' is a different way to perpetuate flowers. The technique uses a hammer to transfer the colour of the flower / leaf on to paper.
11.30 - 12.00 — Håndværkets tilbagekomst [Danish] — Trendforsker Mads Arlien-Søborg, pej gruppen keyboard_arrow_down
Håndværk og kunsthåndværk har eksisteret i evigheder, men er nu mere populært end nogensinde. Håndlavede objekter bliver i stigende grad foretrukket af forbrugere, fordi de tilbyder kvaliteter, som masseproduktion ikke kan: autenticitet, det unikke og personalisering. Der er flere gode grunde til dette: Opmærksomhed på detaljer bliver stadig vigtigere, og skabelsen af et håndlavet objekt giver merværdi til slutresultatet. Lokalproduceret håndværk er ofte også et miljøvenligt valg. Livstilssekspert Mads Arlien-Søborg indfører dig i denne voksende trend, som influerer alle dele af processen - fra idé, produktion til køb.
11:30 – 12:30 — Farvepsykologi og den praktiske anvendelse [Danish] keyboard_arrow_down
Er du klar til at dykke dybt ned i farvernes fascinerende verden og opdage, hvordan de kan forvandle dit brand og påvirke dine kundeinteraktioner? I 'Farvepsykologi'-workshoppen fordyber vi os i, hvordan nuancer og kontraster kan påvirke vores humør, vores købsbeslutninger, og selv vores loyalitet over for et brand. Vi deler med dig, hvordan du kan bruge denne videnskab til at fremkalde bestemte følelser og forbindelser med dit brand.
Maks. 17 deltagere
12.00 – 12.30 — Effektiviser din marketingindsats med AI [Danish] — Anita Dalsgaard, strategisk digital rådgiver keyboard_arrow_down
Har du nogensinde følt dig overvældet af de mange AI-værktøjer til rådighed? Er du nysgerrig efter at finde ud af, hvordan du kan bruge disse værktøjer til at transformere din marketingafdeling uden at blive fanget i tekniske detaljer? Dette foredrag er til dig! Anita Dalsgaard, specialist inden for digital strategi og marketing, vil inspirere dig med de mest relevante og effektive AI-værktøjer til marketing. Du vil få overblik og indblik i, hvordan AI marketingværktøjer kan overtage de tidskrævende og mindre spændende marketingopgaver, så du kan fokusere på det, der virkelig tænder din kreative flamme. Uanset om det drejer sig om indhold til e-mails, websites eller sociale medier, vil Anita vise dig, hvordan du kan gøre AI til en værdifuld allieret og sidemakker i din marketingindsats.
12:00-13:00 — Enjoy exclusive tastings with premium mixers from Fentimans & Conaxess keyboard_arrow_down
Get ready to indulge your senses with luxuorious gift boxes that cater to every taste. Every gift box contains carefully selected sets of four bottles of Fentiman's tonic, ginger beer or lemonade along with exclusive spirits from Hernö, Bornholm Spirits, Villa Cardea og Ron Colón.
This workshop covers every combination, enabling you to find your very own favourites. We have made it easy for you to treat yourself or one of your closest connections with a unique gift box offering distinctive taste experiences.
12.30 - 13.30 — Spanish Mesa Christmas lunch — hosted by Mette and Peter Christensen, Casa Jada* keyboard_arrow_down
“Let coziness be the future’s memory” is the theme when Casa Jada welcomes you to a Spanish-inspired Mesa Christmas lunch. You will join Mette and Peter, the married couple who have owned Casa Jada since 2020. The couple loves Spain, its warmth, vibrant colours, culture, and sense of coziness. They will share their story and talk about their Spanish ceramics while you enjoy a cozy and festive meal.
You will receive a small Christmas gift from Casa Jada to take home.
The company name CASA = HOME and JADA = Jacob and Daniel, our sons, hence Jacob and Daniel’s home. The heart in our logo symbolizes our love, presence, and life.
*Only 12 seats available. Write name and ticket ID in your booking email.
CV: Co-owner and sales manager Mette Christensen and her husband, director Peter Christensen, started Casa Jada together in 2020. Mette is the face of the company, handling sales, marketing, development, design, and maintaining contact with Spain. Mette works full-time at Casa Jada, while Peter still holds a 37-hour job alongside Casa Jada.
“Our two sons and their partners are also involved in Casa Jada, helping out in the store when the parents are at trade shows and events. They bring a youthful perspective, which is invaluable when we need to innovate or see Casa Jada from different angles. We are proud of ‘our treasures’, so please give them a warm welcome”.
“We love our trips to Spain, where we feel at home in the warm and cozy surroundings, close to the Spaniards, who have always welcomed us with warmth, kindness, and compassion.”
13.00 – 13.30 — Tour de trends — Stefan Nilsson, Trend Expert keyboard_arrow_down
In a time characterized by rapid changes and new trends, it is important to stay updated. With Stefan Nilsson at the forefront, you will receive a comprehensive tour of the latest trends in technology, society, and work life. Stefan, a recognized trend expert and speaker, will guide you through the most discussed topics and show how they affect our daily lives and future.
Stefan will uncover various perspectives on artificial intelligence, including how older individuals can engage with and benefit from this technology. He provides a critical assessment of how far we have actually come with diversity and shares his thoughts on what the future of work could look like, intertwined with the debate on "degrowth" and how a conscious downsizing of economic activity could shape our society in the future.
13:00 - 13:30 — Walk & Talk with Lifestyle & Design Cluster keyboard_arrow_down
Join a tour around the circular exhibition, Think Circular.
Lifestyle & Design Cluster will guide you through the exhibition, and meet the different brands that share their circular cases.
13:30 – 14:30 — Visuel strategiplanlægning – fortællende og dynamisk brand udtryk [Danish] keyboard_arrow_down
På denne workshop vil jeg guide dig gennem processen med at lave en klar og velstruktureret visuel strategiplan. Du vil være i stand til at planlægge større produktlanceringer til sæsonbetonede kampagner så som Black Friday, jul og påske. Vi hjælper dig fra overordnet strategi til de mest detaljerede visuelle udsmykninger, alt imens vi sikrer, at din virksomheds visuelle identitet skinner igennem overalt og fortæller din unikke fortælling lige fra fysisk i butikken til online.
Maks. 17 deltagere
13:30 - 14:30 — Art workshop: Weaving with textiles — Yuzu Studio keyboard_arrow_down
From trash to art; create your own FLETwerk.
Come and join us for this calm and immersive workshop, where we will weave a small work of art out of stiffened textiles. We will play with colours, combinations and compositions, and experience the work come to life
14.00 – 14.30 — Finders and preservers [Danish] — Mads Arlien-Søborg, trendforsker og livsstilsekspert keyboard_arrow_down
Der er gået mode i fortiden. Gamle håndværk bliver genopfundet og udviklet. Vi dyrker det autentiske og unikke. Vi vil havde genbrug og ikke overforbrug. Vi søger ting med sjæl og identitet. Små fejl og imperfektioner som vi finder i håndværket og i naturen bliver fremhævet og hyldet. Bevarelse fremfor fornyelse. Med andre ord, vi dyrker tendensen ‘finders and preservers’.
Livsstilseksperten Mads guider dig igennem en af tidens mest markante tendenser der influerer og påvirker vores værdier, valg, holdninger og forbrug og som står i skarp kontrast til virtualiseringen af verden. Udover en overordnet introduktion får du også masser af tips til design, mode, gastronomi og destinationer, hvor tendensen er synlig.
14:00 - 15:00 — Cocktail class with Scandic Bar keyboard_arrow_down
Velkommen til vores cocktailkursus, hvor vi vil udforske nogle af denne sæsons mest forfriskende og trendy cocktails. Vi har håndplukket en række sprudlende drinks, der passer perfekt til varme sommerdage og lyse aftener – men også en hver anden fest. Fra klassiske favoritter med en moderne drejning til innovative nye kreationer, vil vi guide dig gennem hver cocktails unikke ingredienser og smagsoplevelser. Sammen vil vi dykke ned i de seneste trends inden for cocktailverdenen og dele vores egne personlige favoritter. Så lad os løfte glassene og skåle i disse skønne drinks, der er skabt til at sprede glæde og hygge til en hver fest. Velbekomme!
14.30 - 15.30 — Embroider your own vintage Christmas table cloth — Bente Halkjær, craft teacher, horticulturist, and stylist [Fully booked]* keyboard_arrow_down
During the holiday season, many people put extra effort into setting the table, and the most beautiful tablecloth is brought out of the cupboard. In this workshop, you will learn to embroider on the finest Christmas tablecloths, using white vintage damask tablecloths, top sheets, or ordinary white sheets, transforming them into personalized Christmas tablecloths. You will be equipped with an embroidery needle and learn to create the finest Christmas motifs with just a few simple stitches, starting on a tablecloth that you will look forward to using year after year.
Tablecloths, needles, and threads will be available, and you will, of course, take your personal Christmas tablecloth home with you.
Bente will be serving Christmas treats in the form of “vaniljekranse” (Danish vanilla wreath cookies), baked using her grandmother's recipe, and you can enjoy them with a nice cup of coffee.
*Only 12 seats available. Write name and ticket ID in your booking email.
CV: Bente Halkjær is a trained handicraft teacher and has, over the years, developed embroidery designs for magazines and journals. Later, she studied horticulture, so botanical motifs are highly popular with her. As Christmas approaches, she loves to spread the festive spirit with her embroidery, keeping traditions at the center.
15.00 - 15.30 — Workshop — Plant sticklings & learn how to fold your own pot keyboard_arrow_down
Join the daily afternoon workshop at GREENHOUSE – Nature to the people.
Here you can learn how to plant sticklings in clay pots and bring home the plant. Also, you can try to fold small pots for sticklings out of newspaper.
15.00 – 15.30 — Crack the code – learn the NCS Colour language — Kennet Vrågaard, Business Development Manager, NCS Colour AB keyboard_arrow_down
The human eye can see 10 million colors, and with NCS – the Natural Color System, you can assign an NCS notation to each one. Learn how to interpret the NCS code, which reveals how colors are constructed and how they relate to each other. Once you understand this, you can discuss colors like a professional and make conscious color decisions.
16.00 - 17.00 — How to make a scented pomander — Anette Eckmann, stylist and trend hunter, Eckmann Studio* keyboard_arrow_down
During the workshop, Anette will be serving a glass of her homemade orange liqueur and her delicious candied orange peels with chocolate.
The finished pomander is yours to take home in a fine box.
The scent of pomanders during the Christmas season is a French tradition that Anette Eckmann cherishes. Fresh oranges or citrus fruits, pierced with countless fragrant cloves, are dried and displayed as decorations in beautiful baskets or on unique trays.
“Making an orange pomander before Christmas has been a tradition for me since I was introduced to the method by Monsieur Lars Antiques @monsieur_lars_antiques, many, many years ago”.
An orange pomander is a spicy, fragrant orange used as a decoration and a kind of incense during the holiday season. The word "pomander" comes from the French pomme d'ambre, meaning "amber apple," a reference to the round shape of the orange.
It is a simple and relaxing project – a handicraft that brings everyone around the table together. The lovely fragrance that develops during the work creates a festive atmosphere and enchants the entire house during the holiday season. Pomanders can be hung with ribbons or decorated on trays. The finished pomanders are preserved in a spice mixture that helps keep the lovely orange pomanders for several years, so they can be decorative and spread a delightful scent of cloves and oranges year after year.
*Only 12 seats available. Write name and ticket ID in your booking email.
Explore the exhibitor events at Formland Autumn 2024
During Formland Autumn different exhibitors arrange events and activities at their stands during the three trade show days. Explore the list now, and keep an eye out as it's updated ongoingly.