A2 Living - established in 2009 - is a minor, trendy, and up-to-date danish interiour company that is for sure very different-thinking. While always being down to earth we still take pride in our own designed products, all of which comes with that little special and different detail/finish that is so often demanded - but very rarely seen.
It is exciting and well thought out items in a raw, rustic, and simple nordic design. It is solid and long-lasting products that we, A2 Living, take enormous pride putting our name to - in brief, danish design that works…
The significant - and at times quite big - products of A2 Living can be found in the most trendy shops operating within the businesses of interior, lifestyle, furniture, furnishing, arts, and flower/garden design. Stores and businesses where customers seek a very unique and different quality product, a product matching the simple and modern style of home decoration - this being both for indoor decoration and outdor decoration in gardens, on terrraces, and on balconies.
The "rustic" materials such as iron, copper, and concrete are combined with the "warm" materials such as recycled wood, cork, and rattan - and, hence, unites the expression and establishes a recurring theme throughout the entire product catalogue.
In principle, everything unnecesary is cut out, resulting in quite simple and timeless designs - all characterized by the minimalistic expression being the focal point and detail in itself.
To us, it is not enough that the design hits the nail on the head - the value in use must be unique as well ;-)
Company profiles, product categories, and areas of interest are written and added by the suppliers and are not based on knowledge or assessment from Formland.