Engholm (Industrial Textiles)

D 3114

Engholm is a textile brand, a family run company. Since 1969 the company have been situated in Allerød, North Zealand.

Engholm wishes to be current, modern and aesthetic. We are constantly looking for new techniques and ways to make the quality of our products better. Engholm focus on designing textiles for the bed-, living- and bathroom as well as the kitchen.

We aim to make our production and the elements in the supply chain more and more sustainable.

Meet us at Formland Autumn 2024

Lone Ranghøj


Lone Ranghøj

Poul Erik Boel


Poul Erik Boel

Lise Urhskov


Lise Urhskov

Lone Nyby


Lone Nyby

Steen Knudsen

Steen Knudsen

Company profiles, product categories, and areas of interest are written and added by the suppliers and are not based on knowledge or assessment from Formland.
