Hama - Malte Haaning Plastic A/S

F 5064

Number of employees



Nykøbing Mors, Danmark

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Malte Haaning Plastic A/S was founded in 1961, when Malte Haaning started production of drinking straws.
Hama beads were first introduced to the Danish market in 1971 and today we export to more that 50 countries worldwide. Hama as a brand name was established in 1984. Hama products are produced in Denmark.

Meet us

Ruth Lank Andersen


Ruth Lank Andersen

Birgitte Gregersen


Birgitte Gregersen

Products at Hama - Malte Haaning Plastic A/S

Events created by Hama - Malte Haaning Plastic A/S

Company profiles, product categories, and areas of interest are written and added by the suppliers and are not based on knowledge or assessment from Formland.
