E 4162

Our company is called KJØ. It means meat in Sønderjysk.
At KJØ, we make a real effort every single day to create Danish Beef Jerky of the highest quality based on A-class Danish beef inner thigh. Beef Jerky is a form of dried meat, often made from beef. It is thinly sliced ​​and dried to remove moisture, marinated with spices for flavor and gently smoked.
Beef Jerky is very popular as a protein-rich snack, with few calories, long enjoyment, taste and durability. In particular, it is for those who are on the move, carry out activities outdoors, those who engage in physical activity of all kinds and those of you who just want to have a good time. Beef Jerky is easy to transport and requires no refrigeration.
KJØ Beef Jerky is without added preservatives, nitrite salt and color and is available in different flavors with lovely spices.
Our position is to use the very best Danish raw materials and process them as sustainably and responsibly as possible. We believe that good craftsmanship, combined with our new, innovative production method, as well as the best raw materials, create the best product.

Meet us at Formland Autumn 2024

Per Stenger


Per Stenger

Products at KJØ ApS

Company profiles, product categories, and areas of interest are written and added by the suppliers and are not based on knowledge or assessment from Formland.
