
Verskted x Lille Starur and hello_sofie

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23 January 2023 | Verksted | Lille Starut

We are proud and happy to finally be able to present our upcoming collaboration with Lille Starut and hello_sofie.

Sofie Bøcher Lindquist is influencer and has been named the influencer of the year by Børn i Byen for the past 4 years, and she is the forunder of children's brand 'Lille Starut'.

As we have previously written, you can experience Lille Starut's beautiful textiles at our stand at Formland. We are happy about that.

What we are also happy about is that at the fair we can present you a collaboration between Verksted and Lille Starut, which has resulted in two beautiful and useful shelves, where the little ones can display their very best animals, cars and figurines.

The shelf, which was designed in collaboration with Sofie, should, with its simple, yet playful expression, invite children of all ages to play.

The shelf comes in two versions.
At the fair you will be able to experience the "Noah's Ark" model.

See you!

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This article is written by:

Verksted | Lille Starut

At Verksted, we create beautiful and sustainable interiors for your home.
Our interiors for children are created with timeless designs, that fits into most children's rooms.

As a family with children, we know the challenge it can be, to bring aesthetics and practice into a higher unity.
It is one of the challenges we are attempting to meet with our designs.

At Verksted, we value sustainable values ​​very highly.
We work actively to make our production as green as possible. We are constantly getting better. We want ours and our children and grandchildren to play and dance on a planet t

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