
Verksted launches huge crowdfunding campaign!

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01 June 2023 | Verksted | Lille Starut

After the great success we experienced at the fair in January, we have gained the courage to realize even more of our dreams and ambitions!

That is why Verksted recently launched a large crowdfunding campaign in collaboration with COOP.
The goal is to reach DKK 80,000 by 5 July.

When we hopefully reach our goal at the beginning of July, the money will go directly to our big furniture venture. We have long dreamed of creating ergonomic, beautiful and practical children's furniture. Now it has to be, and with the consumers' help we will reach the goal.

We are happy to have been part of a crowdfunding campaign that is award-based. That way, the customers also get something out of it when they support our project. For example, as a backer you can get your hands on our brand new moon stools, a gift card or the opportunity to design your very own piece of furniture, and be involved in the whole process!

Follow along here, where we will tell you a lot more about the campaign in the coming weeks!

Thanks to everyone who has supported our project so far!

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Verksted | Lille Starut

At Verksted, we create beautiful and sustainable interiors for your home.
Our interiors for children are created with timeless designs, that fits into most children's rooms.

As a family with children, we know the challenge it can be, to bring aesthetics and practice into a higher unity.
It is one of the challenges we are attempting to meet with our designs.

At Verksted, we value sustainable values ​​very highly.
We work actively to make our production as green as possible. We are constantly getting better. We want ours and our children and grandchildren to play and dance on a planet t

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