
The art of seizing the moment

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13 December 2022 | Verksted | Lille Starut

Parenting is undergoing a huge development in these years.
With the possibility to publish your own images and texts on social media,
the photo album has moved out onto the internet, and we don't just share pictures of our closest friends with the family. We share them with friends and colleagues, and we use them to create the image of ourselves that we want to paint.
Aesthetics has a huge value in itself.
Motherhood in particular has crowned days on social media, and at Verksted we are full of joy about the tendency to pay tribute to parenthood and focus on flattering as well as less flattering aspects of a time in life that is full of challenges and choices , good and intense moments.

With the virtual photo album, we eagerly document our children's development, and Verksted has of course created a beautiful and sustainable alternative to the by now well-known milestone cards.
Our milestone cards are made of sustainable bamboo and fit perfectly into the Nordic, simple style. The bamboo material has an exclusive look and our customers are happy with the simple expression.

Time passes quickly. Sometimes it can feel like our children are running like sand through our fingers. The milestone cards are perfect for documenting the children's development and important milestones in a personal and aesthetic way - online or not.

Our milestone cards are delivered in several different languages, and we look forward to showing you much more at Formland in January.

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Verksted | Lille Starut

At Verksted, we create beautiful and sustainable interiors for your home.
Our interiors for children are created with timeless designs, that fits into most children's rooms.

As a family with children, we know the challenge it can be, to bring aesthetics and practice into a higher unity.
It is one of the challenges we are attempting to meet with our designs.

At Verksted, we value sustainable values ​​very highly.
We work actively to make our production as green as possible. We are constantly getting better. We want ours and our children and grandchildren to play and dance on a planet t

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