
Everydag life

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06 August 2023 | Verksted | Lille Starut

At Verksted, we believe that everyday life is the most important thing we have.
As the parents of 2 young children, we know how quickly everyday life can end up as one long countdown to the weekend.
And when the weekend finally arrives, the adults want one thing and the children another. Expectations are too high. Does this sound familiar?

Life with children requires a good deal of logistical and practical ingenuity.
Clothes must be arranged, gloves and hats sorted, drawings from the kindergarten saved, lunches packed.
Therefore, it is essential for us to create products that are practical and aesthetic at the same time. Our products must meet practical needs and at the same time be beautiful to look at – for the entire family.

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This article is written by:

Verksted | Lille Starut

At Verksted, we create beautiful and sustainable interiors for your home.
Our interiors for children are created with timeless designs, that fits into most children's rooms.

As a family with children, we know the challenge it can be, to bring aesthetics and practice into a higher unity.
It is one of the challenges we are attempting to meet with our designs.

At Verksted, we value sustainable values ​​very highly.
We work actively to make our production as green as possible. We are constantly getting better. We want ours and our children and grandchildren to play and dance on a planet t

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